Active and In Touch are holding an ‘Active Autumn Lunch’ on October the 13th.
The charity says, “This is a lunch that people have contributed to by either growing the vegetables that are being eaten, (some of our members are growing vegetables at a plot kindly given to us by Mells Walled Gardens) or cooking them in various classes leading up to the main event. This will be a weekend of cookery, ending in a lunch on a Sunday afternoon that everyone of all ages can enjoy.
“We are also asking if people could pledge some vegetables for the cookery sessions. We are making soup for the actual lunch, so any kind of vegetables would be gratefully received.
“Active and In Touch helps people reconnect with their community, by offering either one-to-one befriending or weekly social groups. We help anyone from 18 upwards.
“The lunch is open to anyone from the Frome community and the surrounding villages. For information please ring Di Roberts on: 07468 859453 or email: activeandintouch