FROME Frog Patrol, a local group run by volunteers dedicated to safeguarding the native amphibian population, is back conducting nightly...
A GROUP of local people collectively cycled and ran three times the distance of Frome to Land’s End, to raise...
FROME Town Council, Frome Town Community Benefit Society and Frome Town Football Club are hosting a public consultation event at...
A MAJOR Somerset developer is having a second crack at regenerating a key Frome brownfield site in the aftermath of...
FROME’s largest independent gin and wine store Givino has started an exclusive partnership with a leading vineyard on the Balearic...
By Simon Swindells, director and clinical lead audiologist at South West Hearing Care HEARING loss generally develops slowly over many...
FROME’s most famous romantic landmark, the Valentine’s Lamp, was lit at the town’s annual Valentine’s Day ceremony. The community gathered...
AROUND 12 speeding drivers are caught every 60 minutes along Bath Road when the area is being monitored, according to...
FROME’s Ukrainian community gathered for a vigil to mark the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, at Boyle...
FROME Times met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Oliver Dowden last week to highlight the difficulties independent publishers are facing...
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