The children of Vallis First School in Frome were busy before the holidays with their Christmas productions.
The school says, “Reception, in their first ever performance, confidently showed their acting prowess with a play called ‘Snowman at Sunset’. Year 1 had their own take on Christmas with their play called ‘A Christmas Toy Story’ while the Year 2s performed a version of ‘A Night Before Christmas’. The children in Years 3 and 4 did something different this year – they held a carol service at Holy Trinity Church and everyone agreed what a great success it was. The church was overflowing with parents and families and the children sang, played violins and did some readings.
Finally, at the end of the week, the children performed parts of their performances to a group of visitors as a way of saying thank you – many of them support the school in a variety of ways. Everyone is now looking forward to a well-earned break.”