A unique, thought provoking theological symposium which addresses one of life’s most difficult subjects, that of death and dying, will be hosted at Wesley Methodist Church, Frome on Saturday 11th February.
The event to be held in Frome is part of a national project titled ‘Christian Perspectives on Death and Dying’ led by academics at Cardiff University.
Already successfully presented to public audiences in London, Gloucester and Cardiff, the Frome event will explore a range of contemporary issues about death and dying, including those posed by the advancement of medical technologies and the subsequent complexity of end of life decision making in the 21st century.
Academic, medical and theological experts on the subject will present and lead debates about the challenges around decisions at end of life, be it for one’s self, or for others who are unable to decide for themselves.
The speakers include: Revd. Professor Paul Badham (Dignity in Dying), Professor Jenny Kitzinger (Cardiff University), Revd. Dr. Jonathan Pye (Chair of the Bristol District), Usha Grieve (Compassion in Dying), Professor Malcolm Johnson (University of Bath), Revd. Brenda Dowie (University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust), Revd. Dr. Keith Albans (Cliff College), Revd. Michael White (Frome Community Hospital chaplain), Revd Dr Mike Parsons (Gloucester Diocese).
Project co-ordinator of the ‘Christian Perspective on Death and Dying’ symposium Julie Latchem said, “This is a high-quality, engaging event which should not be perceived in any way as morbid, but is intended to make people aware of the sometimes complex issues surrounding end of life and how to deal with them practically and spiritually. It is a subject that affects each and every one of us in one way or another at sometime during our lives.
“There will not only be authoritative speakers who will lead the debates, able to explain these key issues and offer reassurance too, but the event will also be complimented by an art exhibition exploring these issues through creative means.”
The conference day is free and is for everyone – for the public, and for those who provide pastoral, social, medical provision and cross-denomination religious support services.
‘Christian Perspectives on Death and Dying: a day of reflection and debate’ will be held at Wesley Methodist Church, Wesley Slope, Frome, Somerset, BA11 1HA. Saturday, February 11th 2017 10.00am (doors open 9.30am) until 5pm.
Further information and booking is available at: www.eventbrite.com/e/christian-perspectives-on-death-and-dying-a-day-of-reflection-and-debate-tickets-29717885997?aff=es2