At the October meeting of Frome Ladies club members were treated to a talk from one of its own members, after being left without a speaker.
Mrs Shirley Smith, who has been a member for over 50 years, has travelled widely all over the world, and gave a talk on her experiences during a trip to Israel where she visited all the biblical sites and a Kibutz, which impressed her immensely.
Chairman Christine Potter reminded members that there will not be the usual meeting in November, but a bring & share social evening will be held on Saturday 28th November, when entertainment will be provided by ‘Chiff Chaff’.
The Annual dinner is on Friday 11th December at The Bell at Rode.
The next meeting will be on 27th January when a cheque will be presented to the POD, the club’s charity for 2015. This will also be the AGM at which a new committee will have to be elected in order that the club can be kept going. Please contact Christine Potter if you wish to be on the new committee.