THE Lions Club of Frome has a new president for 2020/2021.
Lion Greg Wood has taken over the reigns from outgoing President, Tony Buchan.
The club report, “Under normal circumstances club members would have met up socially to celebrate the occasion and officially welcome in the new president. For the first time in its 53-year history this was not possible due to the Covid19 pandemic. Instead, a few key members of the club gathered outdoors in a member’s garden to hand over the chain of office.”
Outgoing President Tony said it had been both an honour and a privilege to have, once again, led the club over the past year. He thanked the people of Frome and the surrounding villages for the support given to the Lions over the past year, which enabled the club to continue their mission of giving service to those in need in our community. He added that the Coronavirus pandemic has been challenging, but that he was proud of the way the Lions had reacted to the situation and offered his best wishes to Lion Greg for his term as president.
Incoming president Greg thanked Tony for his leadership and said that the Coronavirus pandemic continues to be challenging for the Lions and everyone else in terms of what they are able to do. He added that while unfortunately the club has had to cancel several fundraising events during 2020, what would not stop is the Lions’ commitment to supporting the local community in every way possible.