At the next meeting of the Frome Men’s Shed at the Cheese and Grain on Monday 21st July, starting at 3.30pm, the details will be announced of the opening of the workshop next month.
The Frome Shed will be offering a workspace where older people from Frome and local area can work on practical projects with others. The space will be equipped with tools and materials donated by the public or local businesses. The club will be run by the members, who decide when they come and what they do.
It is planned to undertake projects, acceptable to the group, which are of benefit to individuals, other groups and the broader community in Frome and the surrounding area.
The last meeting enjoyed visitors Cherry Barlow of the Hawk & Owl Trust, and Dan Archer from the Holt Men’s group.
Cherry Barlow brought two of her owls and explained how the Men’s Shed could help Somerset owls by making owl boxes. Dan Archer brought examples of tools they re-furbish to send to Africa. By supplying rural craft workers with these tool kits, it helps to relieve poverty and encourage commerce.
Both talks were enthusiastically received, and it is probable that both making owl boxes and tools refurbishment will be tasks undertaken.
Patrick Abrahams, organiser said, “Both Dan and Cherry were inspirational, and the ‘Shedders’ had lots and lots of questions for them. We are extremely grateful for their visit.
The meeting will be at the Cheese and Grain on Monday 21st July, (3.30pm) with guest speaker, the chairman of the UK Men’s Shed association.”
For further information, please contact Patrick Abrahams on 07932-760585, email Info@, or visit for further information.
Funding for Frome’s Men’s Shed is from Aster Communities, and with the support of Edventure in Frome.