Frome Town Council has agreed to buy the major part of the former Frome Showfield from Frome and District Agricultural Society for £125,000.
At the council meeting on Wednesday 5th November, councillors agreed that buying this important open space for the town was an opportunity not to be missed.
At present, the Frome and District Agricultural Society lease the field to Mendip District Council but the community has long been concerned that the site – adjacent to the Medical Practice and Frome Hospital – is poorly managed and does not provide what the community wants. There is a second part of the land that the town council has agreed to lease.
Mayor of Frome, cllr Peter Macfadyen said, “By owning this open space for the community we are not only protecting it for future generations, but will also be able to work with local people to manage it in ways that they want.
“Having carried out an in-depth consultation exercise two years ago, we are pretty clear about what is needed but we will of course just check with local people. Top of the list remains the urgent need to fence the play park, install some more seating and get some of the grass cut shorter.
“This is a very popular place for people of all ages and we can now give them the Showfield they want.”
Martyn Brake, chairman of Frome and District Agricultural Society said, “This is a win/win situation. The field will now be managed by the community for the community, and the Frome and District Agricultural Society can invest in our core function which is to put on the Frome Cheese Show every year. The money will be used to further improve the facilities at the new Showfield.”