AS we move deeper into autumn, the team at Frome charity, Openstorytellers, would usually be preparing for a well-established event.
The Bardic Chair of Frome is an annual showcase of storytelling, organised by members of Openstorytellers, a charity working with adults with learning disabilities and autism. And there is an actual Bardic Chair, made for OST by members of the Frome Men’s Shed.
The organisers say, “The stories told vary in origin, from traditional to brand new, and cover many different subjects and styles. It is an open event, with anyone invited to take part. There is a prize – the chance to be Bard of Frome and holder of the Bardic Chair for a year – but it is not a competition. When all the stories have been heard, the storytellers draw lots, and the Bard of Frome is chosen by the Fates!
“The Bardic Chair will be going ahead this year, although like so much else, it will be moving online. It will take place via Zoom, and most of the stories will be recorded beforehand, although there may be a small amount of live storytelling. OST staff will support members of OST who want to tell a story, to practise and record their chosen tale. But as always, the event is open to anyone who would like to share a story. If you would like to tell a story and have a chance to become Bard of Frome and custodian of the Bardic Chair for a year, you are invited to apply.
“This year’s online Bardic Chair will take place on Thursday 26th November from 1.30pm to 3.00 pm. The deadline for submission of recorded stories is Wednesday 18th November. Stories should preferably be between 5 and 10 minutes long.
“For details of how to submit your story, and if you have any other questions, please contact OpenStorytellers at info@ or call 01373 454099.”