FRIDAY night saw the big Christmas Lights Switch-on in Frome with the Market Place being turned into ‘samba central’ by Frome’s samba band which led a magnificent and dramatic lantern parade that converged on the town centre from three directions.
Before the parade, Frome Community Choir and Frome-based children’s rock band, Rocktopus, had kicked things off – with their traditional and not so traditional take on festive songs – much to the appreciation of the large crowd. And as the parade arrived, carols were sung to the accompaniment of Frome Town Band.
Mayor of Frome, cllr Sheila Gore and schoolboy Ted Lewis-Clark, responsible for the design of this year’s Royal Mail first class stamp, then led the countdown to the meticulously-timed switch-on of the Christmas tree lights.
Over the course of the last six weeks, Mel Day and Aliss Vaas, worked tirelessly making a host of lanterns, in a series of school and community workshops.
Over 900 residents had taken part in the workshop and there was an excellent turn out both for the parade itself and also spectators. The workshops had been chosen by the people of Frome as an event that they wanted to see happen and had a fantastic response.
The lantern parade really added to the festiveness of the occasion. The Frome samba band, Jamma de Samba, led the parade down Bath Street, to what was an exciting culmination of everyone’s hard work.
Frome Town Council would particularly like to thank The George and Number 5 Cafe for hosting lights switch on. Mayor Sheila Gore said, “Community is absolutely at the heart of this event. We are so lucky that The George are so community-minded and are happy to host the switch-on from the balcony. It just wouldn’t be the same without it. And it was great to be able to have Father Christmas raising money for WHY too!”
The Christmas tree this year has been sponsored by All Hallows’ School. Organiser Faye Penfold said, ‘I hope everybody agrees that the tree looks fantastic in its new position this year and the lights, particularly, are magical.”
The event was also the first outing for the improved Boyles Cross area. Faye added, “We were delighted that the Boyle Cross could be incorporated in our plans for the night. It’s a really fantastic space and presents Frome with a great area to run lots of different smaller events throughout the year. A great first outing and a joyous and festival occasion, I hope you will all agree.”
• If you have a great idea like Mel and Aliss’ lantern project and would like to apply for The People’s Budget: Events funding, email info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or call 01373 465757.
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