a new community energy group for Frome has been set up. The new Frome Renewable Energy Company (FRECo) brings together people from Sustainable Frome, Vision for Frome and the Town Council, with the aim of finding ways to develop renewable energy in Frome.
FRECo hopes to explore all kinds of renewable technologies, looking at ways the community can support and benefit from energy generated in and around the town.
FRECo co-ordinator Tim Cutting said, “We really want all kinds of people in Frome to get involved with this project, so that Frome can start to develop a sustainable energy supply for the future. It needs to be owned by the community, as well as bringing benefits to the community – and helping to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.”
The group will consider all kinds of renewable energy technologies, including solar PV, anaerobic digestion, wind and water. A growing number of projects around the UK has shown that community energy organisation can be successful – both financially and in environmental terms – and that the conditions are right for Frome to take on the challenge as well.
Local people will be able to find out more about FRECo and the truth about solar panels at a meeting organised by Sustainable Frome on the 8th October.
The meeting will bring together solar electricity experts, some pioneers of home solar panels in Frome, and representatives of a new community energy group, to discuss why solar technology is a hot topic at the moment – and why people should be wary of ‘free’ or cheap solar PV (photovoltaic) panel deals.
The meeting, starting at 8.00pm on 8th October in the Wesley Chapel, Wesley Slope, will also hear from John Birkett-Smith, finance director of the Cheese and Grain, about plans to put up to 200 solar panels on the venue.
Anyone can attend the meeting, which hopes to clear up some of the confusion around solar panel technology at the moment. Heavy marketing techniques are now being used to get people to sign up to solar panel deals, and the meeting will be a chance for people to find out the reality of the financial returns offered by solar panels and how those deals work.
The group will consider all kinds of renewable energy technologies, including solar PV, anaerobic digestion, wind and water. A growing number of projects around the UK has shown that community energy organisation can be successful – both financially and in environmental terms – and that the conditions are right for Frome to take on the challenge as well.
For further information about FRECo contact: Tim Cutting 01373 474456/07789 902420 or Peter Macfadyen 01373 466399