Frome Carnival Supporters 100 Club is in need of more members.
To join, please contact June Barnes on Frome 461625 or just post your cheque to 12 Styles Close, Frome BA11 5JS. The cost is just £2 per month, total £24, and each month there is a first prize of £30 and a second prize of £20.
The proceeds of this draw is used to enable the carnival to engage more bands in the procession.
The winners for the last couple of months were, Dec 14 K.Berry 1st prize, C. Clements 2nd prize. Jan draw 1st prize C. Clements, 2nd prize H. Barnes.
Hopefully present members will renew. Please send your remittance to June as soon as possible. The next draw takes place on Monday Feb 16th.
If you would like to help the carnival in any way please contact any committee member or just telephone the above number.