IN June St John’s First School in Frome and its partner school in India, the HOPE Foundation School in Bhuj, held a joint Waste Fortnight Campaign to highlight the importance of reducing, re-using and recycling waste generated at school and at home.
Over the fortnight the children in both Frome and Bhuj were taught the importance of reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and they were shown ways of re-using waste to create new products for home and school.
The HOPE School also installed six new rubbish bins to allow them to sort their waste into non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste. The biodegradable waste will be composted in a new pit they have dug in their garden. Both schools also held a Challenge to design and create something really useful using only waste items.
Prizes of recycled stationery and books were awarded to the best designs from each year group at St John’s, and certificates to the winners in India. A display was held in St John’s School hall to share all of the designs with parents.
Congratulations went to Ellis in Ash, Lily H in Hawthorn, Tom in Beech, Jacob R in Willow and Aimie in Sycamore who were the Challenge winners. Highly Commended certificates went to Etienne in Oak, Ellis in Poplar, Oscar in Beech, Jude and Grace S in Willow, Lucas in Sycamore and Esme, Theodoraand Onni in Maple. Congratulations also went to the winners in Bhuj. There were so many lovely designs it was very hard to choose between them!