Last month, Mendip District full council voted to pass a motion put forward by Green Party cllr Shane Collins, ‘to Declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency.’
It was passed on 25th February with cross party support having been seconded by Ros Wyke, leader of the Lib Dems and supported by the Conservatives, with only two abstentions.
So far around 35 councils have declared a Climate Emergency including London, Frome, Bristol, Glastonbury, Chard and Oxford.
Cllr Collins said, “As well as attracting cross party support, the motion also includes £100,000 for a sustainability officer and a report back to council every six months. This gives us hope, but now the real work starts of getting Mendip District Council to zero emissions by 2030.
“This motion on climate change follows on from Green motions banning single use plastics in Mendip activities and increasing the percentage of affordable housing in new developments, by making the developers share their ‘financial viability assessments’ with the planning committee. This shows what electing Green councillors can do.
“We are grateful for the support and energy of the Frome Extinction Rebellion and look forward to joining in the Extinction Rebellion in London from 15th April. Also, 2,765 people signed the petition in support of the motion and around 50 came to the meeting in support.
“The aim is to get the UK Government to also declare a Climate Emergency, and we call on all people who are able, to take part in the Extinction Rebellion in Frome and London in the weeks starting 15th April.”