Frome Town Council has been granted planning permission to go ahead and build a Multi Use Games Area on the Mary Baily playing field in Victoria Park.
This is largely funded by Sport England and by section 106 money from the building of new homes nearby. It will not be a bookable pitch but will rather be open access to anyone wishing to use the pitch informally and can be enjoyed by all Frome residents once it is complete.
Games that can be played on the court are 5-a-side soccer, basketball, hockey, handball, cricket and an inclusive game called Street Snooker playable by either hands or feet and by players of mixed age and ability.
The construction will start at the beginning of November and will take around four to five weeks to complete. During that time, there will be disruption to the playing field including temporary track-way to enable construction vehicles to enter and exit via Somerset Road without churning up the grass to mud. Therefore the accessible grassy area will be a little restricted during that month but the end result should be great.