A group of Frome woodworkers are looking for other professional carpenters and cabinet makers to share a workspace in the town and benefit from lower costs, better facilities and a friendly working environment.
Spokesman, Magnus Scholefield, has had a woodwork shop in Frome for over 10 years and said, “The proposal was well received by the town council at a recent meeting which is very encouraging. The coop will be designed around the needs of its members and we have an online survey to collect information from other woodworkers who may be interested in becoming involved.”
The shared workshop will have individual bench spaces where co-op members can work and keep their personal tools and materials. There would also be a separate area with a selection of machines which the individual members would find difficult to afford on their own. The plan includes a number of ‘hot-benches’ for casual users including members of other co-ops and hobbyists from the Frome area. Extra bench space would also be available to rent to members.
The workshop would be run as a profit-making business, with the profits going back into the Co-op. Magnus said, “There are many advantages of working cooperatively, such as greater economies of scale for pool vehicles, equipment, materials, utility bills, insurance and business rates. It is also nice to get up in the morning knowing that there will be other, likeminded people around to discuss projects and problems with.”
If you are interested in being a member of Frome Area Workshop Co-op then please fill in the short survey at bit.ly/frome workshop