The spring term started with all pupils and staff supporting a community charity event raising money for dementia care at the RUH. Pupils cycled on spinning bikes to accumulate as many kilometres as possible. The academy’s overall total was 592.6kms (the same distance as Frome – Paris) and £300 was raised. Frome Leisure Centre, The Train Station Gym and Frome Town Rangers were all extremely generous with their help making this event happen.
“Oakfield forged further links with the local community when Mole Valley Farmers very kindly agreed to donate a large amount of bird seed to the Years 5 & 6 RSPB Bird Watch project.
“In February we welcomed students from China as part of the Global Youth Ambassador Project, which is an exchange scheme that Oakfield has been part of for some time.
“March brought another wildly successful World Book Day.
“We welcomed members of the Frome College science department together with some of their A-level students. Workshops included electro magnets, flame tests, elephant toothpaste and cannon fire!
“Our local Co-op store in Nunney Road generously donated £1,000 to our academy with money raised from carrier bag sales – the money will be used for continued improvements around our school site.
“Sports Relief saw the whole school out on the field running to raise money for the charity, led by our headteacher, Emma Wilkes.
“In May we successfully appointed two new deputy headteachers, Emma Thomas and David McGrath.
“David McGrath, together with another staff member Zoe McAlpine brought admiration from colleagues and pupils at the school when they both completed the London Marathon.
“In June our Year 7 pupils visited Charterhouse on the Mendip Hills. Pupils also joined the Frome Town Council’s travel challenge, raising money for the Missing Links Charity.
“Later in June was the excitement of ‘Oakfield’s Got Talent.’ The evening concluded with a wonderful rendition of the classic song ‘Hallelujah’ performed by the entire cast.
“Our U12s netball team competed in Frome Netball Club’s Charity Tournament. The team played exceptionally well and helped raise £976.48, which will be shared between with Frome Netball Club and Frome Charity WHY.
“At the end of June we welcomed another group of Chinese students to our Academy. We also said goodbye to our deputy headteacher, Mrs Michelle O’Shea and our librarian Mrs Christine Perrett.
“A mufti day was held to raise money for St John Ambulance Frome Cadets. The charity was chosen by the school council and the day raised a fabulous £500.
“Some lucky Oakfield pupils enjoyed a prison experience at Shepton Mallet Prison.
“Three lucky students (Aaron Bowring, Leo McJannet and Alex Wilkes – all radio broadcasting enthusiasts) were accompanied by Mr Stephenson to make their broadcast debut on 3TRFM. Next stop Radio One!
“Will we ever forget this year’s Frome Carnival?! Although the weather for the afternoon performance was appalling, Oakfield battered through the rain and were First Prize winners for the Deans School Cup.
“In October we were visited by an ITV film crew reporting on the need for improved funding for all schools across the country. Whilst they were here, our headteacher, Emma Wilkes, was at Downing Street delivering letters to No 10 shining a light on the funding difficulties faced by the education sector. Four Oakfield pupils were interviewed and later appeared on the local ITV news.
“Year 7 pupil Edie Ray’s entry was chosen by Frome Rotary as the winning entry for a poster advertising a fantastic free fireworks display at the old Showground in December. Year 6 pupil Tara Whitelaw came second and her drawing was used to help promote the event. .
“In November the whole school met on the school yard to listen to Year 8’s Edith Baker and head of English, Miss Hall, read World War I literature. This was followed by David Hynds playing The Last Post. Two minutes’ silence was then observed, whilst pupils and staff reflected and remembered all those who died fighting for their country.
“Kate Hellard who has worked in schools, local and national charities, social care and BANES local authority became our Chair of the Board of Governors this term. She now works as a Community Projects Officer with Frome Town Council where she supports community organisations working across the town and in smaller neighbourhoods within Frome.
“Oakfield Academy is looking forward to a challenging and exciting 2019!”