Age UK Somerset’s online exercise classes will help keep older residents active and well this winter.
As part of their ongoing effort to keep older people active and well, local independent charity Age UK Somerset have opened up their online exercise sessions to new customers. Previously, only existing clients could take part, but now anyone living in Somerset or North Somerset, who is over 60, actively able and moving independently, can participate.
For many older people, the Covid pandemic has led to both a decrease in general physical fitness, and an increased loneliness and isolation. Previously, the charity held hundreds of community-based classes, bringing older people together and helping them maintain their strength, balance and general fitness levels.
Opening up online classes in July, allowed many to stay in touch with friends and exercise safely. The classes are all led by experienced instructors and supported by a member of the charity’s Ageing Well team, who not only monitor the safety of the attendees but help with technical issues like booking classes and using zoom.
There are a variety of class options, including yoga, tai chi, strength and balance and general fitness. Full details, including booking instructions, can be found at www.ageuksomerset.
The classes have been hugely successful and the feedback very positive. For many older people, they offer a more appealing exercise option this coming winter. Age UK Somerset are very keen to resume their regular, hall-based classes when it is safe to do so, but will continue to offer an online timetable going ahead. For more details email onlineclasses@