This year the children at The Pepperbox Nursery did a show of songs and actions to ‘The ABC’ version of the Nativity.
The hall was filled to bursting with parents and grandparents who thoroughly enjoyed the performance.
Before the start the manager, Jo Millard, read a version that the children had given to staff during nursery activities, with Joseph saying “No, No, NO!” when he was informed that Mary was having a baby, and the Wise Men bringing gold to baby Jesus “that they got from a pirate ship, where ‘X’ marks the spot!
The children really enjoyed taking part, with some great singing and actions to the eleven songs they had learnt. There were sparkling stars, wonky donkeys, bleating sheep with their shepherds, angelic angels, as well as two inn keepers, three wise men and of course Mary and Joseph. There were some star performances with a big ‘thumbs up’ from Joseph (Riley) to his parents as he recited his words to perfection. And a cheeky poke of the tongue to parents of one of the angels who turned out not to be so angelic after all!
Lots of applause, laughter and enjoyment was had by all. At the end the children challenged the parents to sing a few final songs louder than the children, but yet again, the children managed to out-sing the parents.
“Our thanks to Frome Town Football Club for the use of their facilities, and to all of you who provided costumes for your children and who came along to support this lovely performance,” said Jo.