RIVER View Indian restaurant will host a special charity evening on Friday 24th June at the events venue Foxy’s Den, to raise money for a local children’s charity.
Owner Abdul Kaiyum said, “We are really excited about the event, it’s going to be a great night of food and entertainment and an opportunity to give back to the community.
“We will be serving a delicious five-course meal which will feature dishes that aren’t on our usual menu. The dishes are from different regions and you won’t have tasted anything like them before.
“And to keep you entertained, we have a belly dancer and an Elvis impersonator, plus there will be a raffle and an auction.
“We are so grateful to Foxy’s Den for letting us hold our event with them for free. We would love to raise £3,000 or even £4,000 for the charity if possible.
“We haven’t decided which charity we will give the money to yet, but our customers who know the town better than us have been giving us some ideas.
“If any local businesses would like to donate a raffle or auction prize, we would be very grateful.
“It’s a great opportunity to have a fun evening with great food and entertainment and help raise money for charity. We really hope you will join us.”
Tickets cost £25 and must be booked in advance. Call River View or drop in for tickets. Tel. 01373 463400/01373 462947