ST LOUIS School has thanked a staff member after she retired from the school following 34 years of service.
Julie Barney, who originally started as a cleaner at the school before moving on to becoming a school meal supervisor last year, retired on her 70th birthday and was given flowers and a card from the school.
“Retiring on your birthday is a good present, isn’t it?” joked Julie. “I will miss the school and the children terribly, but now’s the time for me to do some much-need exploring; we’ve got a holiday booked for Tenerife already and there’s a few other places I want to tick off my list.
“I’ve seen so many children in my time and it was when kids started saying, ‘My mum remembers you from when she was here’ that I thought it might be time to retire!”
The school commented, “Everyone at St Louis would like to say an enormous thank you to Julie for her commitment and dedication to St Louis and to all of the children that come here, and have been to St Louis, in the many years that Julie has been a part of the school.
“Julie has been instrumental to the school in a variety of roles and she will be missed by all. Lunchtimes won’t be the same without her. We wish her well in her retirement and thank her for her service to the children and school.”