If you are a grassroots community group, grants are now available up to the value of £1,500 from the newly-launched Somerset Fund. Somerset Community Foundation (SCF), who manages the fund, is encouraging applications from smaller groups that run on less than £50,000 per year.
The grants will be ‘unrestricted’, which means they can be used to pay for ongoing running costs, and the deadline to apply is Friday 22nd February.
Laura Blake, development director at SCF explains, “We created The Somerset Fund to offer a simpler and more effective way for local businesses to give to good causes across Somerset.
“Donating through the Somerset Fund helps to free up precious time by giving businesses the choice of either supporting good causes across the county, or focusing their giving in one of the five Somerset districts. We’ll find great causes that need funding, assess applications and report back on the difference your donations have made. You’ll also have the opportunity to come together with other supporters and hear from projects you’ve supported. And, thanks to match funding, donations to the fund could be increased by 80% or more.
“We are delighted to now be in a position to start distributing the Somerset businesses’ donations and would encourage grassroots charities to apply for funding before the deadline.”
The Somerset Fund will support local people of all ages by investing in a range of causes, including:
• Giving the best start in life to the most disadvantaged children
• Growing the life skills of young people
• Improving the mental health of people of all ages
• Increasing opportunities for better physical health
• Supporting people with disabilities and life-limiting illnesses, and their carers
• Combatting loneliness and isolation.
If you run a business and would like to find out more about how you could increase the impact of your giving, visit: www.somerset cf.org.uk/special-projects/ the-somerset-fund, call Laura Blake on the number below, or e-mail laura.blake @somersetcf.org.uk.
If you are involved in a local, grassroots community project and would like to find out more about how to apply for funding, please visit: www.somerset cf.org.uk/somersetfund or call Somerset Community Foundation on: 01749 344949.
Above: Laura Blake, development director at Somerset Community Foundation.