Are you frustrated by the education on offer to older children in Frome?
Do you feel there’s too much emphasis on testing at the expense of inspiration and creativity? Are you uncomfortable with the prominence of religion in some of our schools? Have you struggled to get your voice heard as a parent?
Kate Bielby, on behalf of the Frome Parents Education Group said, “If the answer to any, or all of these questions is ‘yes’, we invite you to join us at a meeting on Thursday 5th February to discuss how we might effect change.
“We are a small group of parents who would like to work with local schools to create a fair, creative, joined up, secular education system in Frome. We want schools that strive to provide the best environment for all children in our town to become active learners and be prepared for the world. We want to hear from you if:
• you are concerned about the polarisation of choice between middle schools and out of town opportunities;
• you feel that the middle school system is out of kilter with the primary / secondary system and its standardised testing that dominates in the UK as a whole;
• you don’t think you are offered a valid, high quality choice for a local middle/secondary education for your child;
• you feel schools should be separate from religious organisations;
• you are unhappy with your level of inclusion in your child’s education post first school.
“We believe all Frome’s children deserve a creative, inspiring, secular state education without having to leave their community, and we’d like to find ways to help schools understand and listen to the needs and concerns of families, and for the schools to feel supported in teaching our children in a creative way.
“Join us at Archangel (front room) at 8.00pm on Thursday 5th February.”
For more information: