A new film which documents the powerful way that communities are starting to take control of their food system is being screened at Vallis Road Community Centre on Thursday 2nd April.
Transition founder Rob Hopkins explained, “By focusing on immediate profit and ignoring millennia of experience in agronomy, agroindustry is responsible for the unprecedented erosion of soils now occurring around the world. Add climate change and dwindling natural resources to the picture, and it would appear that even societies in the Global North are no longer safe from famines.
“‘Voices of Transition’ is a film which is optimistic but clear-sighted. It makes clear that these current and impending crises are, in fact, positive challenges!”
Everyone is welcome to join the screening. There is shared food at 7.00pm (bring a dish if you can) or pop along at 8.00pm to watch the film. A voluntary £2 donation is requested. For more information contact: info@sustainablefrome.org.uk