Rehearsals are well under way for the Woodlanders Variety Show, which will be held from the 3rd to 8th October.
Many people in and around Frome will already know the much-loved company of local people who are The Woodlanders. Founded in 1977 by the choir mistress of St Katherine’s Church in East Woodlands, to raise some money to help with upgrading what was then a very run-down village hall, their show was so successful that it became an annual event. Eventually work on the hall was completed, but The Woodlanders continued, with their profits being donated to local charities.
Chair of The Woodlanders, Sandra Gaisford said, “We are local entertainers raising money for local charities and in our 45-year history it has been The Woodlanders’ pride and pleasure to have donated upwards of £150,000 to local charities. We took part in the Frome Festival for the first time this year, with a presentation showcasing the content of our shows, which is a typical variety show in the spirit of the comedy greats, with a unique Frome twist. They include music, comedy, dance and songs.
“We made some new friends with that show and we very much hope they come back to see us in October, along with our much-loved regular audience, of course, so we can raise lots of money for local good causes. We will have a wonderful new variety show ready to present and we are working hard to ensure the audience will be laughing and singing along with us at East Woodlands Village Hall, our beautiful home on the edge of Selwood Forest.
“The Grade 2 listed building was formerly owned by The Thynne Educational Foundation having originally been the local school, but from spring of 2022, has come under the ownership of East Woodlands Village Hall Management Committee which is an independent charity made up principally of villagers past and present and The Woodlanders are very proud to continue supporting the hall as in the past.”
The show will run from 3rd to 8th October with the Monday 3rd being a preview night with tickets £8. Tickets for other shows will be £12. There will be a matinee on Saturday. The popular “cabaret style“ seating, introduced last year, will be repeated, with reduced rates for tables of four or more. Tickets are available from Sandra Gaisford 07791 584402 or 01373 473538 or sandra. gaisford