OAKFIELD Academy marked its 75th birthday this month with a 1940s themed day of celebrations.
Over 900 pupils, staff, visitors and parents gathered on 17th June to celebrate Oakfield’s 75th year with a 1940s themed party.
The afternoon started with two former headteachers, Ron Crossman and Phil Hill, sharing a welcome speech with current headteacher Emma Wilkes. They spoke of when the school opened in 1941 and evacuees were accepted into the school.
School spokesperson Dawn Warren said, “One of the main celebrations was a whole-school ‘flashmob’ jitterbug. Dance instructor Amy Morgan-Bell has been working with each year group to teach them the steps, and it was an amazing sight to see!
“The oldest and youngest pupils in the school, Jade Hawley and Jaiden-Lee Chamberlain, had the honour of being asked to cut an enormous chocolate cake with a picture of the academy on the top. Everybody also took part in a fancy dress competition, with a winner chosen from each year group and a winning member of staff. Prizes were then awarded by the three headteachers.”
Current headteacher Emma Wilkes said, “The day was a great way to celebrate 75 years as a successful school, and we look forward to Oakfield Academy continuing to grow and develop over the years to come.”
Three generations at Oakfield Academy
A LOCAL couple recently returned to Oakfield Academy, where they went to school in the 1950s, to plant a tree to celebrate the 75th birthday of the school that has educated three generations of their family.
Former pupils Dominic and Wendy Loughlin, returned to the school this month to plant an oak tree to celebrate the school’s 75th birthday.
Both their son and daughter, who is now the marketing officer at the school, and their four grandchildren – Paige, Callum, Aiden and Finley – have attended Oakfield.
Simon Millard, premises manager will look after the young tree and help it establish itself at the corner of the school playing field where it is hoped pupils can enjoy it for another 75 years.