APPLICATIONS are being invited for a community grant from Frome Town Council, with the closing date next month of Monday 20th February at 5pm.
Groups and organisations can apply for a community grant of up to £3,000 from Frome Town Council if they can demonstrate their work improves physical, mental or emotional health, has environmental or economic benefits or has a direct, positive, impact for Frome residents.
In the last round of applications discussed at a full council meeting in November, Frome Shed was awarded a grant of £1,200 to become a warm space to help people during the current cost-of-living crisis. Frome Shed is a community workspace for those who are retired, unemployed or have health problems to come together to socialise, make things and share skills.
Other grants included: £3,000 for Foodage 4 Thought for cooking, nutrition and wellbeing; £500 for Frome Park Bowls club for the replacement of chairs; £3,000 to the Merlin Theatre to enable an LED lighting upgrade; £2,690 to Frome Town Women’s Football Club for F4: Frome Female Footballers Futures; £3,000 to Evolve Music for a sound lab; and £2,880 to The Equivalent Project CIC for Equine Facilitated Learning.
Two community grant applications were refused by the Grants Advisory Panel (GAP) at the council. These groups were Music for Miniatures who applied for £2,000. This was refused because councillors said the benefit to disadvantaged families was insufficiently evidenced. The sum of £3,000 for Mojo Moves was also refused as councillors said the group had received a number of grants from the town council in the past and they would prefer an application “to help people in what they were offering.”
There was £45,813 remaining in the budget to be awarded for grants and it was agreed by councillors to allocate around half, ensuring funds were left for a third round of applications in February.
The Grants Advisory Group meet to consider the applications in detail, using a scoring matrix and based on the scores, they award the grants.
For more information about applying for community grants from the Frome Town Council visit the website, https://www.frome