Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists from Frome, Bruton and XR Doctors delivered a message, including a big letter, to their MP, David Warburton, at his local office near Sparkford recently.
“It’s a big letter, because it’s a big problem. Government is failing to act. Government is failing to avert climate breakdown,” said Mel Nelson, one of the organisers.
“The letter urges David Warburton, MP for Somerton and Frome, to speak out publicly because Government is failing to take action on the climate crisis. It asks him to be honest with his constituents that inaction equals death on an unimaginable scale. It asks him to be honest that 2050 is too late.”
Jenny Shackleford of Frome said, “Covid 19 has given us the opportunity to collectively decide our ‘new normal’, and an understanding of how vulnerable we are to the crises that the climate and ecological emergency will bring.”
Suzanna van Moyland said, “We call upon our MP to do his duty, speak out and take action on behalf of life.
“The letter was timed to coincide with the publication of the UK Committee on Climate Change Annual Report to Parliament, which is expected to show little progress. The action also came just days after the highest recorded temperature in the Arctic. ‘Inaction equals death’ was painted on a large placard. The action was held in concert with XR groups across the UK to highlight the choice we face: Do we return to a system that we know destroys life on Earth?”
It was carried out within Government guidelines of no more than six people meeting outside, and all activists wore masks and socially distanced.