THE 54th annual show of the Frome Selwood Horticultural Society (FSHS) was held at Selwood Academy recently and saw a display of colour, creation and prize-winning carrots.
Organisers said that entries were up on last year and new names will be engraved on the cups and trophies.
“The highlights included Dave Moon winning both the novice vegetable grower and the coveted Ralph Showering Memorial Trophy for Best Exhibit in Show with his carrots, which was exceptional,” said the society’s press officer, Jane Norris.
“Dave is better known for his wonderful borders that he shares in open gardens and for his photography and cake making.
“With a very strong homecraft section, Rachel Joyce and Jean Lemon had their own bake-off, with Rachel being awarded best exhibit for her lemon drizzle cake and Jean winning most points.
“Then to the flower classes, where pollinators galore were displayed from annuals, perennials, shrubs and garden flowers. Pam Secker’s variety of flowers, from fuchsias to floribunda, were something to behold and she deservedly won most points, with Bob Gallop and Rosa Pearce displaying gorgeous roses and dahlias.
“Lynnette Zalac is gaining a reputation for the quality of her onions and shallots, as are Dan Norris and Marilyn Vernon for photography, with Dan also winning most points in fruit classes.
“Floral art saw clever interpretations on themes, including a wedding corsage and the Olympics. Hazel Starritt won her first ever cup for most points and Valerie Norvall best exhibit.
“So, to one of the newer classes which was art. This is gaining more entries each year and with a tight call, Susan Wright won, demonstrating how creative members of the society are.
“It was a great afternoon, after much hard work by the committee. Guest presenter of cups, Anita Smith from The Gold Club, acknowledged all the work and showed appreciation for all on display.
“FSHS chairman Ray Carver was back growing after a year off and won master gardener and was gracious in his thanks to many for such a successful show.”
The FSHS meet on the second Tuesday of the month at Critchill School, Frome BA11 4LD. 7.20pm start, for interesting talks, tea and a raffle. New members are always welcome.
Contact Jane for more details