PREPARATIONS are well underway for this year’s Frome Half Marathon which is expected to attract 1,000 runners on Sunday the 19th July.
Spokesperson for the event, Esther Doel told us, “The event has built on previous year’s success to become the popular event it is today. The organisers plan a bigger and better event this year and are keen for the event to include the whole community.”
She continues, “The proceeds from the event will go towards local charities, including the Frome Activities and Sports Trust (FAST) which aims to provide a community resource for any activity or sports group within the town, to use as a meeting point, club HQ or storage for kit.”
10k and 5k distances are also available for runners to partake in. Children are able to enter the 5k plus there is a 1k run for children under 11.
Also this year, there is the added chance to be crowned King and Queen by completing Egford Hill in the fastest time.
The event is looking to find corporate sponsors and is appealing to local businesses to help, either with a financial donation or by offering relevant resources or support.
They are also looking to recruit volunteers for the day, to help ensure everything runs smoothly. Marshals, water station personnel and supporters are needed.
The event is asking family members and partners of runners who were perhaps planning to watch, to consider helping as the runner can have 25% discount off their entry fee for 2016.
Volunteers are asked to call Fran: 07908284198 or e-mail
For sponsoring e-mail
For more information and entries,