AS the whole country changed in devastating ways last week, affecting every aspect of people’s lives in an attempt to contain the spread of coronavirus, Frome’s community was quick to respond, to help local residents, especially those who are most vulnerable, during the crisis.
People knocked on other residents’ doors or left a note, offering to do shopping or other help, and online groups were formed to coordinate volunteers with those who need help at this time. Frome Food Bank and Fair Frome are working hard to ensure the elderly and most vulnerable in the community are looked after.
Amidst the panic buying in supermarkets, there were stories of individual acts of kindness to others.
Frome Town Council has launched its ‘let’s get Frome covered’ initiative, asking local people to check on their five nearest neighbours.
The town council says, “In current times, we all need to be there for each other and over the coming weeks, community will be essential.
“We’re asking all Frome residents to make contact with their five nearest neighbours.
“The idea is super simple – check in with your five nearest neighbours, give them your number, make sure you have theirs and know that they can call you if you are needed.
“We have created a handy guide (which includes some FAQs) which you can find here. It contains five forms for you to jot down your details and pop them safely through your neighbours’ doors. You can give them your number, make sure you have theirs and know that they can call you if you are needed. You can find and download the leaflet from our website
“If you feel able to widen this and create a neighbourhood group, then that is great!
“If you yourself are in need of help and support, and don’t feel able to reach out to your neighbours, then follow our FAQ’s or call us on 01373 465 757.
“And remember even if you are isolated at home there are ways that you can continue to support your neighbours, your family, your community – keep spirits up and most of all talk to each other.
“It might feel odd to start with, but this is our new normal for now and our strongest means of support.”
A Frome action on coronavirus website has been formed, which lists contact details for local existing groups, along with new groups who have been formed to deal with the crisis. The website features up-to-date advice, local news and lists of local shops that are offering delivery services or are still open in light of the outbreak.
Admin is collated by Frome resident, Katy Duke. If you would like any information added to the website, contact Katy Duke on
The website is available at