Author of ‘How Animals Heal themselves’ and ‘Help your Dog Heal Itself’ and founder of Applied Zoopharmacognosy, Caroline Ingraham, will be talking about her work on Wednesday 17th May at 7pm at Frome Assembly Rooms.
Caroline has spent the last three decades researching and observing how animals self-medicate and her work has featured in many scientific journals and articles. Orphaned elephant calves at the Sheldrick Trust in Kenya, endangered species and UK rescued animals at Cats In Distress & the RSPCA, are amongst the thousands of domestic, captive and farm animals that Caroline has helped to regain behavioural and physical health.
Having previously appeared on the BBC, ITV, BBC Radio4, National Geographic TV and at the Hay Festival of Literature and Arts, Caroline is in demand globally as a consultant and teacher and speaks regularly at international symposiums. This evening will provide a fascinating talk and a valuable insight into this empowering approach to animal health & well-being and will be of interest to anyone working with or living with animals.
Tickets cost £15.00 All profits will be donated to the Frome-based charity, Cats In Distress
For more information and to purchase tickets please contact Ginny Parratt on 01373 830972 or 07504 129955 or email