REPORTING direct from his own weather station in Frome, our local meteorologist, Michael Cooper, has all the facts and figures for Frome’s weather in January.
Weather statistics for Frome January 2018.
Rainfall for this January = 129.5mm.
There were recorded four days of drizzle conditions where not measureable rainfall was recorded.
Also sleet and hail showers were recorded on the Tuesday 16th January and a light snow shower was recorded on Saturday 20th January.
The average rainfall for Frome over the past 18 years = 95.5mm. So this January 2018 was above that average.
All rainfall readings were taken from a Met/Check Cu Rain gauge I.A.W. Air Ministry Form 1122.
Highest D.T.T. = 11.0 Degrees C, recorded at 3pm on Sunday 28th January.
Lowest D.T.T. = 3.0 Degrees C, recorded at 3pm on 7th, 8th and 16th January.
Lowest N.T.T. = Minus 1.0 Degrees C, recorded during the night of Thursday 18th January.
Highest N.T.T. = 10 Degrees C, recorded during the nights of 21st, 23rd and 27th January.
There were three recorded instances of air frosts to car windscreens and roofs, and one instance of ground/air frost.
The average D.T.T , this January 2018 = 6.7 Degrees C, compared with 2.0 Degrees C for January 2017.
The prognosis for this January was in general dominated by low pressure areas from the Atlantic, which indicated a milder situation to January 2017, interspersed by short cold spells from the Artic.
All temperatures were recorded from within a S.S. from two different thermometers.
Air Pressure:
Highest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1028mb, recorded on 28th and 29th January.
Lowest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 997mb, recorded on Tuesday 2nd January.
Wind speed:
Highest Wind Speed = 54m.p.h. Vector Direction = W.S.W, recorded on Thursday 18th January.
There has been a chorus of criticism of the Met Office for not labelling the storm that blew in on the Thursday 18th January, and a name therefore, remains in the forecasters’ arsenal.