The Cheese and Grain in Frome has announced the activation of their two electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, donated by Zero Carbon World.
Visitors to the Cheese and Grain with a plug-in vehicle can now recharge or ‘top up’ their vehicle while enjoying a concert, market or coffee.
Steve Macarthur the Cheese and Grain manager said, “We are thrilled to become one of the few venues in the country that offer this green transport option for our visitors. People can book a charge point when they book a ticket, or they can book at the Cheese and Grain reception. We ask for a £1 donation.”
IfF Councillor Peter Macfadyen said, “Being part of a growing network of charge points is a fantastic opportunity for Frome. The solar panels that we installed on the building will help to power the charge so it’s effectively zero carbon! It also ties in well with our part-electric car club which we expect to launch in the new year.”
Zero Carbon World donates charging stations to the hotel, tourist and leisure industry to support the development of a national charging infrastructure and encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. They are also organising a big electric vehicle event – from bikes, to cars to boats, at the Cheese and Grain on Sunday 29th March.
Kevin Sharpe, founder of Zero Carbon World said, “The charge points will be part of ‘Zero:Net’ – the only unrestricted national electric car charging network in the country.
“You don’t have to be a member, subscribe, pay in advance or use a smart card to access electricity. Wherever EV drivers are, they can recharge while eating, sleeping, working or simply relaxing. We are extremely proud to be creating the UK’s only open charging station network.”
Growing rapidly with over 650 donations to date, Zero Carbon World is helping with the transition to electric cars, reducing emissions and improving air quality in the UK. The latest statistics show that 37,842 alternative fuelled vehicles have been sold during 2014, a more than 50% increase on the same point a year ago.