Monday November 18th is a big day for Silver Crow Books, the imprint of Frome Writers’ Collective (FWC).
It will be celebrating both its third birthday and the publication of its eleventh title with a party at Frome Town Hall from 7.30 to 9.00pm. Entry is free, see Frome Writers’ Collective Facebook page for details and booking.
Silver Crow launched in the Black Swan Gallery in November 2016, with Nikki Copleston’s gripping detective novel, The Shame of Innocence, as its first publication. Over the next three years, nine other authors followed suit with genres including children’s fiction, memoir, YA, short stories, historical fiction and magic realism.
Many of them have now completed – or are working on – new titles and, appropriately enough, the first author, Nikki Copleston, will be back to launch her new novel, The Price of Silence, on the 18th. Working in a fictional town not a million miles from Salisbury, detective Jeff Lincoln investigates the murder of a local businesswoman who wasn’t all she seemed.
In addition to readings from Nikki and talks by guest speakers, there will be a light-hearted quiz, refreshments, and the chance to buy copies of the titles advertised on this page and chat to the authors. Silver Crow books will also feature on the FWC stall at The Magpie Market on Sunday 1st December. An opportunity to bag a great Christmas present and support local authors!
Frome has more writers per head of its population than most towns in the UK, and FWC is proud to number 117 of them as members. The Collective welcomes scriptwriters, poets and illustrators, as well as writers of both fiction and non-fiction for all ages. Some are well-established authors; others are new to the craft.
The world of publishing has changed over recent years, with many authors turning to self-publishing as a viable option. It is these whom Silver Crow was established to help. Since its launch in 2016, Silver Crow has provided FWC members with a cost-effective manuscript assessment service in which books are screened anonymously by a team of trained readers.
Feedback is vital, as Nikki confirmed when revising her book earlier this year: “Silver Crow Books gave me invaluable feedback. A book rarely hits the shelves without a team of people being involved with its production at some stage, and this will be no exception!”
Once the manuscript is accepted, the author is offered advice in choosing a publication option and can use the Silver Crow logo and take advantage of the imprint’s marketing initiatives. In this way, Silver Crow manages to turn the daunting task of producing and promoting a book in isolation into a more friendly alternative, helping authors to avoid the pitfalls of going it alone.
Silver Crow books are of various genres, but are all well-written, with excellent production values, and sit comfortably beside similar titles on the bookshop or library shelf.
Marketing is a challenge and an ongoing commitment for all writers, however published. Silver Crow supports authors in launching their books and actively seeks opportunities for individuals or small groups of writers to visit schools, libraries, festivals and bookshops, or to talk to special interest groups.
Authors have visited local history societies, schools and writers’ groups in places as far apart as Manchester and Bethnal Green! As one of the authors says, “learning to stand in front of an audience and promote your book can be a great confidence-booster which spills over into other aspects of your life.”
• The Silver Crow organisers would be delighted to hear from groups interested in a visit from any of their authors. They can be contacted by messaging the Facebook page:@silvercrowbooks, or via their website: