‘BREAKING Out of Cars’ is a free talk that will present sustainable travel options to residents in Frome, which will help them to leave their car at home.
The free public meeting will take place on Thursday 12th April at 7.30pm, upstairs at the Cheese & Grain, and will feature contributions from Anna Francis, Frome Town Council’s resilience manager, and Nat Taplin of the Good Journey project.
Anna Francis will give a brief overview of the council’s sustainable transport strategy. With air pollution killing 40,000 people a year in the UK and the council committing to Frome becoming a zero carbon town by 2046, Anna will explore ways in which the town can switch away from fossil fuel-based transport to more active and cleaner solutions.
Nat Taplin of Good Journey will look at leisure travel in the UK and how we can all break out of our cars. Good Journey is a new scheme to promote car-free travel to visitor attractions and venues in the UK. The new website www.good journey.org.uk shows visitors how to get to everywhere from arts centres to zoos by train, bus, bike and by foot.
Nat Taplin said, “One in four UK households don’t own a car. Good Journey is all about opening up access to leisure, culture and the countryside for everyone. We also believe that you see more when you travel car-free and get a real flavour of the places you’re visiting.
“The journey is time to relax – take in the view, sip a coffee, read a book, have a snooze – you can’t do that while driving!”
The meeting is organised by East Mendip Green Party. John Clarke, Frome West’s Green county councillor said, “We have to promote a different and better future, which is not all about the car. A future which protects our environment, improves air quality, improves our health and well-being, and reduces fossil fuel use.
“’Breaking Out Of Cars’ will be a chance for Frome residents to find out about some greener transport choices they can start using now, and some big plans for a better future for Frome.”