Frome Medical Practice has now received its seasonal flu (ordinary winter flu) vaccine.
The first batch of swine flu (H1N1 flu) vaccine will probably not arrive until the end of October and will be in short supply for several months.
Dr Nick Whitehead, of Frome Medical Practice said, “Seasonal flu requires one injection (two in small children) and at the moment we are told that swine flu will require two injections three weeks apart, although this may be reduced to one injection once we have experience of its efficacy. We have decided to start vaccinating patients for seasonal flu from early October as, if we wait until we have enough swine flu vaccine for everybody, we may be too late to prevent seasonal flu.
“We have written to every patient who the chief medical officer has defined as being high priority. We are asking these patients to phone our flu hotline where advice will be given on the best timing of vaccinations as the vaccine becomes available. This is likely to be a very busy phone line so we ask patients to understand if they can’t get through immediately.”
• Flu vaccinations are being offered at The Health Centre and Saffron Surgery on the following Saturdays 10th, 17th and 24th October, 8.30am-12.30pm. Please ring 01373 301306 between 9am & 5pm to book an appointment.