AS this year’s Poppy appeal gets under way, the appeal in Frome and Nunney want to exceed last year’s record total and hope that they will continue to have the support and generosity of the local community.
Last year, the appeal in Frome and Nunney raised £23,000 and this year funds are needed as much as ever as the appeal is launched on 29th October. Boxes of poppies will go out around the town and a dedicated team of poppy collectors are preparing for collections.
The Royal British Legion provides welfare to the whole Armed Forces family – serving, ex-service, and their dependants. They also campaign on a range of issues affecting service people, and are the custodian of Remembrance.
Jane Wood, local poppy appeal organiser, explained that Frome always gives generously to the appeal. “I think it’s because the legion is the charity that caters for not just servicemen but veterans and the families for the rest of their lives. I think people realise that we try to encompass a large section of the population and have a reputation built up over the years.
“When we collect, we don’t like to intimidate, but we like people to come to us. There are many good charities out there but we do get a lot of support.”
Showstoppers step up for the appeal
Helping the appeal will be the “Passion and Poppies” concert on Friday 4th November at the Memorial Theatre, at 7.30pm, presented by Frome Amateur Operatic Society Showstoppers.
Jane explained, “David Heath, Angela Yeoman and Deputy Mayor, cllr Pippa Goldfinger are our guests of honour. The concert will feature songs from the Beetles, Les Misérables and other West End shows in the first half.
“The second half will comprise of famous war songs with song sheets so the audience can join in, and there will also be a talented contribution from some pupils from Oakfield School. The Standards from the Royal British Legion, Royal Naval Association, Royal Air Force Association, Air Cadet Force and Air Training Corp will be paraded and the concert will conclude with the national anthem. It should be a jolly night with audience participation and there are still seats available from the theatre. Father Neil Maxted as president of the Royal British Legion Frome and a gulf war veteran, will preside over the ceremonial parts of the concert.”
Time to Remember
The annual Remembrance Sunday parade and service will be held on 13th November. The parade will form outside the drill hall, Keyford, at 10.45am before marching to the service and two minutes’ silence at 11.00am, followed by the laying of wreaths. Warming refreshments will be available in the Assembly Rooms after the service.
St John’s Church will complete the day’s Remembrance with an evening service at 6.30pm. This will be attended by David Heath MP, and include a Parade of Standards.
Further details on the Remembrance events, see the next issue of the Frome Times or phone 01373 455277.
Frome’s wartime casualties
This year is the 70th anniversary of Frome’s war casualties at home, when a bomb fell on Frome on Good Friday, 1941.
Jane Norris, whose grandfather was killed in the incident, explains. “Frome had one bomb fall on it in the Second World War, an incendiary device dropped during a dog fight after an attack on Bath. Two people were killed; ARP wardens on duty. One was my grandfather, Billy Cole.
“This year is the 70th anniversary since that Good Friday shock in 1941. My mother was just 14 at the time, but remembers it clearly. Now 85 and in frail health, I have asked that she may lay a wreath at the end of the 11.00am Act of Remembrance in honour of the townspeople who were affected.”