THE primary performance league tables, published in December, have outlined the national average of pupils achieving level four in their key stage 2 tests in 2011.
Schools are judged by the percentage of pupils who achieved a pass in the level four examinations in maths and English.
The results are published by the Department for Education. The national average this year was 74 per cent of pupils achieving level 4 or above in English and Maths.
St Louis Catholic Primary School scored 84%, up on last year’s 78% figure. Headteacher Richard Triggs said, “At St Louis, it is all about a team effort between children, parents and school. We want children to reach their potential and that doesn’t come without all the hard work.”
Selwood Anglican/ Methodist Middle School scored 72% and Oakfield Middle School scored 70%.
Critchill School was excluded from the table because they had a statistically insignificant number of pupils (less than eleven) sitting the tests.