Frome Lions Club celebrates 50 years in 2017 – and the club is helping to fund improvements in Victoria Park to mark the occasion.
“We wanted to invest in a legacy project for the town,” said Roger Windley, on behalf of the Frome Lions. “The Lions’ summer fete is a real fixture in the Victoria Park calendar – and something that we’ve always enjoyed organising – so it was natural to look at the park when we started thinking about a project. And to focus on something that would be good for families and little ones living in Frome.”
This project – in the old pitch & putt area – will provide new opportunities for creative and free play; as well as much needed seating in this part of the park.
Councillor Richard Ackroyd said, “We’ve been absolutely delighted to work with the Lions club on this project; and they’ve been incredibly generous in their support. We’ve looked at toddler play and picnic benches. And the new play equipment is made of crafted timber – with natural motifs – so it will sit in the woodland landscape.”
Work is set to start on Tuesday 30th May, and subject to weather and ground conditions, should be finished before Friday 9th June.
The new play & picnic area will then be officially opened at the Lions Summer Fete in the park on Saturday 10th June.
Visit www.frome to find out more about the Lions club and its work in Frome
Alternatively visit or call in to the Town Hall to view the plan for this area.