AN exciting new project aimed at helping people make new friends and overcome loneliness has been launched by Hunting Raven Books in Frome.
The book shop is hosting Meet by the Book on Thursday 26th September – a free book-themed event for young(ish) people who would like to make new connections.
Everyone is being asked to bring along a book as a conversation starter. It could be a book that you love, a book you hate, a childhood favourite, or simply what you are reading at the moment. That way, everyone has something they can start a conversation about and avoid that dreaded question: ‘So, what do you do?’”
Hunting Raven’s manager Tina Gaisford-Waller says, “Moving to a new town, working from home, becoming a parent, living with a mental or physical illness, or simply not having found where you ‘fit’ can all trigger feelings of loneliness or of being on the edge of things.
“When I moved back to Frome in 2010, I thought it would be easy to settle in and make friends. But it was far tougher than I expected. I was deeply, profoundly lonely. I was all set on moving away when a chance encounter drew me into Frome Drama Club. Suddenly my life opened up, I met like-minded people (including my future husband) and the loneliness subsided. But, some years on, becoming a parent left me feeling isolated and lonely once again. During both of these periods, books really helped to get me through.”
The event will take place at Frome Town Hall at 7.30pm and there will be music, talks, food and information about some of the ways you can meet people or become more involved in the fabric of Frome life.
Mayor of Frome, cllr Mark Dorrington said, “If you’re feeling a little lost or just want to try something new, making connections within your community can boost happiness and confidence. Meet by the Book is something a bit different to help bring people together and create friendships built on passions and interests. I’d really encourage anyone considering it to come along.”
The evening would not be possible without the kind support of Frome Town Council and has been sponsored by the publishers Pan Macmillan. Tickets are free, but booking is essential as spaces are limited. You can reserve a place by contacting Hunting Raven on 01373 473111 or or by booking online at
Can you help? Hunting Raven is looking for suggestions for groups (online and real life), projects and activities for younger and working age people, as well as recommendations of books to help someone going through a lonely or difficult time. Or if you would like to get involved practically, they need volunteers with a creative flair to help decorate the hall.
If you can help with any of the above, please email Tina at: