Local acupuncturist and herbalist, Martin John, has relocated his busy Chinese medicine practice to a new clinic in the heart of Frome.
Having built up a thriving practice on the Marston Trading Estate, following his move from Melbourne to Frome over four years ago, Martin has now realised his dream of opening a specialist clinic offering Chinese medicine to the local community in a convenient location.
Martin said, “I’m very pleased with how the clinic has turned out and the response from my patients so far, has been fantastic.”
The new clinic includes a full Chinese medicine herbal dispensary and a dedicated clinic treatment room with a lovely outlook over the centre of Frome and all within easy reach of parking and public transport.
As a degree trained acupuncturist and herbalist, Martin is able to help many conditions ranging from coughs and colds and aches and pains to more chronic health complaints.
Martin said, “The Chinese medicine system offers patients a different approach to their health. Its real strength is in dealing with chronic diseases, especially conditions that respond poorly to a purely western medical approach. There is also a big emphasis on effective health maintenance through lifestyle and diet.”
However, acute and chronic pain is one of the main reasons for patients to visit the clinic and the advanced techniques of acupuncture that Martin practices often offers relief where other approaches have failed. Martin added, “Oftentimes, people can be amazed at how quickly these techniques can reduce levels of pain.”
The clinic will be hosting an Open Day event on Wednesday 19th November from 3.00-6.00pm where Martin will be available to chat about Chinese medicine and how it might help. He said, “I strongly encourage anyone who would like to find out more to pop in for a chat.
“More and more people are realising the benefits and it’s always a delight when patients report how well they feel following treatments. Chinese medicine techniques are fantastic, both as a treatment option for health complaints and as a way of maintaining good health.”
Element Health Clinic is situated opposite the Cheese & Grain car park in Turnpike House, 18 Bridge St, within easy reach of both parking and public transport facilities. The space is also being made available for other health practitioners to use and it is hoped that specialist clinics for various complaints will start in the near future.
For more information or to book an appointment, please contact Martin on 07766 853357 or visit www.elementhealthcare.co.uk