FROME’S new mayor, councillor Toby Eliot, has said he is excited to make local politics more informal and inclusive in his year in office, as the council takes big steps to get everyone involved with decision-making.
In a column for the Frome Times, cllr Eliot has said he’s looking forward to a busy year and is hoping to lead the charge as the town council looks to bring important choices down to the hands of people living in the town.
The mayor said, “What has particularly struck me so far is how keen people are to talk to me – that’s the real impact of the chain. I’m really keen to take advantage of this over the next 12 months and get to hear as many Frome perspectives as possible.
“I’m hoping to do more than listen in my year as Mayor. I’m hoping that we can really open up the town council and allow everyone in Frome the opportunity to help make the decisions that affect our town.
“If you see me at any of the events going on in town, staggering around under the weight of the chain, do come and have a chat. I’d love to talk to as many of you as possible over the next year.”
As cllr Eliot was elected, Frome Town Council was broken down into two committees – Town Matters and Council Co-ordination – to streamline and open up discussions to non-councillors. The Planning Advisory Group and regular town council meetings will also continue.
The Town Matters committee will be deliberately structured to give the public their say, said cllr Eliot. It is a forum for discussing town centre regeneration, environmental resilience, and building business and community relationships.
Cllr Eliot continued, “We’re going back to having two committees so that if you’re interested in a particular subject you don’t have to sit through all the council’s business to take part in the relevant discussion.
“Both committees and the council meeting will get a makeover and there will be more opportunities for everyone to get involved. The full council meetings will be less like formal council meetings of old and more open, inclusive and informal.”