In a new initiative for 2020, the Friends of Frome Hospital will be hosting informal ‘open house’ coffee mornings on the first Saturday of each month in the foyer of the Frome Community Hospital, Enos Way – starting on February 1st.
It is planned that each of the mornings will highlight some of patient-related issues that the Friends are supporting, not only at the hospital, but across the wider community. The first guests for February are dogs from the newly-formed Dogs for Health team ,which will be visiting people who are often restricted in their homes. The dogs are very friendly and will provide a happy welcome to visitors on the morning.
Friends of Frome Hospital chairman, Derek Trick says, “Through these informal monthly get togethers’ the trustees wish to make our communication with the town far more personal. It will allow us to show the community how we discharge our responsibilities in using the funds generously donated to us, that are used for the benefit of the patients and their aftercare. More importantly, the public may be able to find out much more about how these decisions benefit the wellbeing of these patients, as we support other independent medical support teams who also help out in the community.
“This is a bigger picture for the future of the Friends of Frome Hospital in its support for our wonderful hospital and its staff. The Friends have an enviable record over the past 40 years with being in the forefront in getting a modern hospital suited for the 21st century established in Frome. Supporting various outreach projects across the town has brought many plaudits and appreciation from many other groups who also dedicate themselves to patient care in other ways. We hope that by regularly highlighting our contribution we will attract new helpers.
“There will be a warm welcome by trustees, team members and staff from the hospital – and some friendly dogs on February 1st.”