Community group People for Packsaddle has won a significant victory in their ongoing campaign to save Packsaddle Community Fields after controversial plans to build on the site were recently refused.
The proposed development, which aimed to build 74 houses and a home for children with disabilities on land off Packsaddle Way, was rejected on multiple grounds by Somerset Council’s Planning Committee.
The group is celebrating the refusal as a crucial step in protecting the fields, which are considered a vital green space and a cherished part of the local community.
At the planning meeting on Tuesday 7th January, residents and members of People for Packsaddle attended the meeting en masse, displaying banners stating strong messages to save the fields. Objections include concerns about the financial viability of the development, its failure to meet Somerset Council’s affordable housing target of 30%, the loss of valuable public green space, and the overall sustainability of the project.
Frome Town Council representatives also attended the meeting in support of the group. Reading a statement on behalf of council leader Cllr Steve Tanner, planning and development manager for Frome, Jane Llewellyn said the harms of the application outweigh the benefits. “The overall benefits of the proposal do not outweigh the harms, there are simply too many harms,” she said. “Frome Town Council has declared a housing crisis. We need one and two-bed houses not three and four beds.”
Somerset Councillor for Frome, Cllr Dawn Denton, urged the chamber to refuse the application and said Packsaddle Fields are ‘entwined in residents’ hearts and across generations.’
She said, “Today we can show the community that we have given our best shot to stand up to the planning inspector and, most importantly, for the people, for the residents.”
The plans were ultimately refused by the committee on the grounds of their location outside development limits, conflicts with policies on local identity and landscape harm, and the loss of public open space.
A spokesperson for People for Packsaddle, Toby Cluff said, “The decision was the resounding vindication which this community has waited and campaigned so hard for. For too long we’ve been ignored by elements of Somerset Council, but councillors on the Planning East committee showed us, finally, that there are still people there who are willing to listen; who have integrity, courage and conviction; and are prepared to act decisively in favour of climate, conservation and community. The meeting restored our faith in elected representatives and renewed our unbreakable resolve. We send our thanks to councillors and to our incredible supporters.”
As part of their campaign, the group also made a bid to buy the land from Somerset Council last year to protect the fields from any future planning applications and developments. However, Somerset Council declined this offer.
“This probably isn’t the end of our fight to save Packsaddle Community Fields, but it’s a crucial victory in that effort, and it shows what can be achieved when communities stand united,” says Toby. “It shows that truthfulness and togetherness can overcome vested interest and greed.
“To the developer, LiveWest, we simply say this: now’s the time for you to do the right thing. Your awful proposals for Packsaddle Community Fields are a stain on your company’s name, and they need to be withdrawn. Rather than pursuing this needless conflict with a decent community, we instead urge you to leave us to bring these fields into community ownership, where they belong, and where they can be loved, protected and enhanced by future generations.”
A spokesperson for LiveWest said, “We will reflect on the planning decision and consider next steps.”
To find out more about People for Packsaddle or to sign up to their newsletter, visit their website
Pictured: People for Packsaddle group at the Packsaddle Community Fields