The Frome Hidden Garden event attracts hundreds of garden lovers over three days each summer.
Organisers Imelda Murphy and Sharon Rossiter say, “It is held during the Frome Festival and this year will run from July 12th-14th. The proceeds from the event provide much-needed financial support for the Frome Festival. If you open your garden you will not only bring pleasure to others but you will help to ensure the continuing success of our much loved Festival.
“Our Medieval town offers an array of interesting spaces filled with all manner of developed and developing gardens. This is the time to let others see behind the wall and to venture through gates. We do not judge your garden. All the gardens are wonderfully different and that is the joy in opening them to the public.
“We hope to offer allotments and gardens of all styles, ranging from the decorative to the bountiful and quirky to the formal. They can be bursting with wildlife, they can be a modern town garden or a garden under construction. Gardens under construction are often the most fascinating to view. We don’t want perfection, but gardens that delight, amuse, inform and perhaps encourage other gardeners to have a go. Most of all, we want the event to bring pleasure to you and your visitors. We need new gardens every year to maintain interest, so please consider joining us in actively supporting the Festival. As someone said “It’s lovely to be a part of a shared event and have something to look forward to in the summer”.
“If you are interested in opening your garden in 2019 for one, two or three days please send an email to The organisers will send you a booklet about the scheme. Before you make your final decision you may like to talk things through with either Sharon or Imelda. At no point are you obliged to sign up just because you have contacted us.
“If you are unsure but think it is something you might like to do, then our booklet will tell you all you need to know about the scheme.”