ORGANISATIONS across the town have been awarded community grants by Frome Town Council to help fund a variety of projects.
There are three grant rounds in this financial year at Frome Town Council with a total budget of £25,000. Bids are assessed by councillors who are members of the grants advisory panel and are granted by the Town Matters committee.
This round of grants totalled £7,200. and the organisations that received grants were:
• SWEDA (Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association) were given £1,890 on the condition that the funds are used for the sole purpose of benefitting Frome residents.
• Frome Flyers Cycling Club were awarded £1,990, £1,000 to launch a new club and cover the cost of bikes and £990 to be released upon proof of securing further funding.
• Nova Sports and Coaching were awarded £1,000 to fund Frome Multisports Club.
• Black Swan Arts were awarded £820 to fund an ‘exploring Frome’s heritage’ project.
• Frome Falcons Powerchair Football Club were awarded £500 to go towards venue costs.
• Shared Earth Learning were awarded £500 to support the start of a holiday forest school.
• Purple Elephant Productions were awarded £500 to continue funding the toy library.