At the most Northern end of Torr Quarry there is a bridleway that runs behind Ashley Farm, Downhead. It is a popular Right of Way, not open to motorised vehicles, linking into a network of quiet bridleways and footpaths, frequently used by riders from the neighbouring riding school, Divoky, local walkers and cyclists.
In the past, when it rained, one stretch of about 100 metres, turned into a boggy, slippery mess which effectively closed the route for a number of months of the year. Mendip Bridleways & Byways Association (MBBA) has recently funded a total upgrade to the surface, with the support and generous donation of 100 tonnes of stone from Aggregate Industries.
MBBA says, “Norman Baker, the contractor from Radstock, has done a brilliant job and the result is an all-weather track for everyone to enjoy. Nature will reclaim the surface and it will quickly blend into its surrounds; as did the first phase which MBBA very successfully carried out in 2012.”
Jo Rossiter, chair of MBBA said, “I know this particular track well and MBBA has done a splendid job in tackling a big project. These improvements will mean a lot to all the local people who walk and ride this network of routes and it will now allow easy access for all, rather than just those brave enough to chance getting stuck in the mud!
“For a number of years, MBBA has run a fun ride through Cranmore and Downhead to raise funds for our work. By improving this considerable length of track, with the help of Aggregate Industries, it is our way as horse riders, of saying ‘Thank You’ to the local community.”
Mendip Bridleways & Byways Association is one of the largest and most proactive Bridleway Associations in the country. It is entirely voluntary and members raise funds from subscriptions, events and fun rides in order to create, maintain and improve safe off road horse riding throughout the 69 parishes of Mendip.