FOLLOWING a successful launch and a well-attended first public event, the Frome Renting Alliance has set the date for its next meeting.
The group brings together renters, landlords and lettings agents in a bid to help them find positive ways forward and offer advice during what has become a crisis in renting, with prices soaring and properties becoming more scarce.
This month there will be more discussion and a special presentation and talk by Joanna Morris – resilience officer at Frome Town Council. Joanna will be talking about Healthy Homes along with Deb Geraghty who is a fuel poverty advisor. The event takes place on Thursday 14th July at 7.30pm, upstairs at the Cheese and Grain.
The group says, “Organiser Vicki Burke is pleased to confirm that with the current energy crisis, as everyone’s energy bills are increasing, we have Joanna Morris from Frome Town Council and Deb Geraghty from the Centre for Sustainable Energy talking about the Healthy Homes project.
“You will hear how it can help you reduce your energy bills and make your home warmer and more energy efficient in time for winter. Jo and Deb will also cover funding and grants for energy efficiency home improvements and other support available to renters and landlords.
“Deb works across Somerset supporting people with a variety of issues including reducing energy costs and managing energy debts. She has a wealth of experience and offers telephone advice, as well as home visits. Having both Joanna and Debs with us on the night will be a great help for renters worrying about their energy bills and for landlords who want to improve the energy efficiency of their properties.”
The event is free to attend and Frome Renting Alliance hopes that as many people as possible will be there on the night. For more information email
Picture: Frome Renting Alliance team with Frome mayor cllr Sara Butler.