Self-Service Advertising

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Posting an advertisement is easy and uncomplicated with The Frome Times. To begin, provide your information below, which will save you time in the future and allow us to assist you effectively.


View our updated list of issue dates and copy deadlines.

Advertising Terms & Conditions

The following sets out the terms and conditions for advertising with Wiltshire Publications Ltd (the “Publisher”) in Melksham Independent News, White Horse News and Frome Times and their associated digital editions. Please read them carefully before submitting your advertisement. By placing an order for an advertisement, the “Advertiser” (which is the person placing the order for the advertisement whether they are the advertiser of the product or service referred to in the Advertisement or the advertising agency or media buyer for such advertiser) accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms in full.

Advertisements can only be accepted on the basis that the Advertiser warrants that the advertisement does not contravene current legislation – in particular the Trade Descriptions Act, 1968, and the Consumer credit Act, 1974 and the Financial Services Act 1986 – and complies with the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP Code).

The copyright for all purposes in all artwork, copy and other material (including proofs) which the Publisher has originated or reworked shall vest in the Publisher and cannot be used by the Advertiser unless prior consent is obtained.

The Publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damage occasioned by any total or partial failure (however caused) of publication or distribution of any newspaper or edition in which any advertisement is scheduled to appear.

Please check your advert. Whilst careful checking procedures are undertaken, we strongly advise advertisers to check their adverts and regret that no responsibility will be taken for more than one wrong insertion.

In the event of any error, misprint or omission in the printing of an advertisement or part of an advertisement, the Publisher will either re-insert the advertisement or relevant part of the advertisement as the case may be, or make a reasonable refund or adjustment to the cost. No re-insertions, refunds or adjustments will be made where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement or where a proof has been approved by the advertiser.

In no circumstances shall the liability of the Publisher for any error, misprint or omission exceed the amount of a full refund of the price paid to the publisher for the particular advertisement in connection with which liability arose, or the cost of a further corrective advertisement of a type and standard reasonably comparable to that in connection with which the liability arose.

If the copy is not received from the Advertiser by the copy deadlines, the Publisher reserved the right to substitute such alternative copy or repeat a previous advertisement.

The positioning of advertisements within the paper is at the discretion of the Publisher. The Publisher endeavours to take requests for advertisement positions into account but this cannot be guaranteed. Regular advertisements are rotated throughout the paper.

Cancellations should be made in writing and must be received by 1pm on the Friday prior to publication. For cancellations received after this the Publisher reserves the right to invoice the advertiser for the full cost of the advertisement.

If the Advertiser books for a year (minimum of 26 issues) their advertising will be automatically renewed on an issue by issue basis at the end of the initial period unless a cancellation request is received. The Advertiser will continue to receive their discount for all subsequent advertising as long as they are booked into every issue.

If the Advertiser books for a year (minimum of 26 issues) and in doing so gains a 50% discount on their advertising but cancels their advert prior to the 26th issue, we reserve the right to charge the following for each publication:

  • A further 50% of each invoice if 10 adverts or less are taken prior to cancellation
  • A further 25% of each invoice if more than 10 adverts are taken prior to cancellation

If the Advertiser books a series of adverts and in doing so gains a discount on their advertising but cancels their advert before the end of their booking, we reserve the right to withdraw the discount on previous bookings and charge the Advertiser full price for the bookings taken.

For credit customers, payment for any invoice raised by the Publisher will be due 14 days from the date of the invoice unless other terms have been agreed by the Publisher. The Publisher reserves the right to carry out a soft credit check. Pre-payment may be required for any advertisement at the Publisher’s discretion.

In respect of unpaid invoices, the Publisher shall be entitled to charge statutory interest and claim compensation for debt recovery costs pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (as amended).

The advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher for all costs, damages or other charges as a result of legal action or threatened legal action arising from the publication of an advertisement.

Leaflet Terms & Conditions

The following sets out the terms and conditions for distributing leaflets with Wiltshire Publications Ltd (the “Publisher”) in Melksham Independent News, White Horse News and Frome Times. By placing an order for leaflet distribution the “Advertiser” (which is the person placing the order whether they are the advertiser of the product or service referred to in the leaflet or the advertising agency or media buyer for such advertiser) accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms in full.

A leaflet order is only accepted when the Advertiser’s sample has been approved by the Publisher.

Leaflets must be received at one of our leaflet drop off points no later than the Friday before publication and must be counted and banded in 100s.

Payment in full for delivery of leaflets is required on receipt of the leaflets by the Publisher unless a prior credit arrangement has been agreed. A surcharge of £5.00 + VAT per 1,000 will be added for any leaflets received which are not counted and banded into 100s.

All leaflet orders should allow for 1% wastage. Short deliveries of leaflets will be billed at full quantity rates. Excess quantities will be destroyed.

If a reports of non-delivery of leaflets is received, this will be investigated internally by the Publisher. In the event of any error which results in any of the order not being fulfilled, the Publisher will make a reasonable refund or raise a credit against the Advertiser’s account. No refunds or adjustments will be made in the event that an individual deliverer fails to deliver their allocation of leaflets; an internal investigation will be conducted.

Updated: January 2021

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Issue Dates


Thursday 4th January

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 15th December

Thursday 18th January

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 11th January

Thursday 1st February

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 25th January

Thursday 15th February

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 8th February

Thursday 29th February

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 22nd February

Thursday 14th March

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 7th March

Thursday 28th March

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 21st March

Thursday 11th April

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 4th April

Thursday 25th April

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 18th April

Thursday 9th May

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 2nd May

Thursday 23rd May

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 16th May

Thursday 6th June

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 30th May

Thursday 20th June

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 13th June

Thursday 4th July

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 27th June

Thursday 18th July

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 11th July

Thursday 1st August

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 25th July

Thursday 15th August

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 8th August

Thursday 29th August

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 22nd August

Thursday 12th September

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 5th September

Thursday 26th September

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 19th September

Thursday 10th October

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 3rd October

Thursday 24th October

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 17th October

Thursday 7th November

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 31st October

Thursday 21st November

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 14th November

Thursday 5th December

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 28th November

Thursday 12th December

Story and Picture Deadline: Thursday 5th December

Useful details


pdf | .jpg • Colour format: CMYK


We can use the following elements to make
a bespoke advert for you
Text: Microsoft Word | Open Office | Notes | .pdf
Visual elements: (.jpg, .eps, .svg )